Wednesday, 17 September 2014

Secrets of Persuasion

Secrets of Persuasion.

Persuasion simply means the action or fact of convincing someone or of being convinced to do or believe something.In other words, factors that influence us to say YES !
There is a science behind this. When making decisions, it'll be nice to think that people gather all the relevant information available in order to guide their thinking.

6 universal shortcuts or secrets that guide human behavior.


The obligation to give when you receive in the form of behavior, gift or service.

For example: When a friend invites you to a party, there's a liability for you to invite him/her to your party. This is because people are more to say Yes to the people they owe.


People want more of those things there are less of. 

For example: When effectively persuading others to buy your product, it's simply not enough to mention the benefits, but you'll also need to point out what's unique about your product and what they stand to lost when they don't own it.


People will follow credible knowledgeable experts. 
It's an important signal to others, what makes you credit knowledgeable authority before you make your influence attack. It's ethical + costless to implement.

For example : Physiotherapists are able to persuade more of their patients to follow their instructions or comply with the recommended exercise programs if they display their medical diplomas in their consultation rooms.


People like to be consistent with the things they have previously said or done.
We look and ask for small commitments that can be made. Voluntary active + public commitment.

For example : Some people agree to take bookmarks that say 'No Smoking' that signal their support for the 'No Smoking' campaign (acts as an initial commitment). Ten days later, they are more likely to agree to paste 'Say no to smoking' sticker on their car window.


3 important factors :-
  • People who are similar to us
  • People who pay us compliments
  • People who cooperate with us
Before you begin negotiating, exchange personal information with each other, identify similarities you share in common, pay genuine compliments to each other before you gt down to business.

For example : Tell your customers that you like their outfit or have a sweet smile before you begin to negotiate.


People will look to the actions of others to determine their own.
Rather than relying on our own ability to persuade others, we can point to many that are already doing especially many similar others.

For example : Hotels management hang boards that says '75% of our guests reuse their towels so please do as well' to persuade their guest and also by stating the benefits of reuse on environmental protection.

Thus, these are the 6 scientifically validate principles of persuasion that provide for small, practical and often costless changes in persuading others in an ethical way.

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